• Magnetised water is carried through the body more effectively than regular water. There is less surface tension and is therefore, taken up more readily by the cells.

    We recommend drinking magnetised water for many ailments, including skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis and digestive disorders such as colitis as well as to improve general health and skin.

    Any water can be magnetised; it is simple. Just place your jug or glass on especially designed magnetic Water Coaster for about 20 minutes a glass, and allow about 1 hour for a full bottle or jug. The water will hold its magnetic properties for days.

    NORTH POLE WATER: Calming and Relaxing

    Used for most conditions. Place container on the coaster with the North Pole facing towards the glass/jug/bottle.

    SOUTH POLE WATER: For Stimulation and Energy

  • Our quilted, lightweight pad goes easily from home to the work place.

    Norstar’s top grade ceramic magnets will help relieve tension in the neck and shoulders when in bed, delivering calming North Pole magnetic fields to ease you to sleep naturally.

  • The washable Stress Buster Cover is made specifically to accompany the Stress Buster.

    This cover enables you to take your pad with you in your car, work or when travelling on long-haul flights. Benefit from Magnet Therapy wherever you go!

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