Beware of Borrowed Energy
If health is your goal stay away from stimulants, says Brendan Brazier. Unexpectedly hearing a loud noise when the room is quiet you might feel a sudden rush of energy....
Supplements Exposed
You thought those jars and bottles of pills in your local health store were good for you? Think again, says Brian Clement. Today’s distaste for Western medicine has moved the...
The Way We Used To Eat
Why we can learn a thing or two from our grandmothers when it comes to diet. By Charlie Wilson. It was a lovely, warm, sunny afternoon in early spring and...
Hail Wheatgrass!
One of the most popular new super drinks of the 21st century is wheatgrass. Of all the green juices on earth, none is more nutritionally powerful than wheatgrass. In fact,...
Is Stress Turning You Into A Wired, Tired, Pot-Bellied Zombie?
by Janine Fahri, BSc (Hons) BANT CNHC We are no strangers to stress in today’s frenetic society – traffic jams, train delays, meetings, deadlines, unemployment, difficult relationships, demanding children, ageing...
Toasted Chia Ginger Pear Cereal
Serves 5 With significant amounts of omega-3 and ginger, this cereal is considerably less acid- forming than standard ones. To make it even more nutritious, top with an energy bar...
Breakfast Blueberry Chia Pudding
Since chia rapidly absorbs fluid and takes on gelatinous properties when soaked, it makes an ideal nutrient-dense pudding base. Serves 1 Ingredients • 2 tbsp chia• 3⁄4 cup water• 1...
Coffee Versus Superfoods
Sarma Melngailis reminisces about her past love affair with coffee and details the raw pick-me-ups that enabled her to wean herself off it once and for all. It has been...
Soil-Based Organisms
SOIL BASED ORGANISMS It is common knowledge that we share our bodies with friendly bacteria that perform a host of beneficial functions to ward off disease. Scientists have discovered that...